ICIN 2016 Call for Papers
- Conference Scope
- Important Dates
- Topics of Interest
- Paper Submission Instructions
- General Instructions
Conference Scope
Since 1989 the ICIN conferences have been bringing together leading internet and telecom experts from industry, universities and government worldwide. ICIN operates on a rigorous peer review process and has an enviable track record of identifying key technology and service trends – and analysing their impact on business models – before they become widely recognised.
ICIN 2016 seeks original and unpublished contributions describing original research and innovation in the following areas:
- Network IT-isation and 5G;
- Big data insights for networking;
- Real-time communication platforms and services;
- Internet of Things.
Accepted papers will be published in the IFIP Digital Library. The best papers will be considered for publication in a Special issue of the JCR-indexed international journal Annals of Telecommunications.
Important Dates
15 November 2015 | Paper submission deadline |
15 December 2015 | Acceptance notification |
15 January 2016 | Speaker Registration |
15 January 2016 | Full Conference Paper |
Topics of Interest
Requirements to operate and monetise a network are increasingly challenging; computing applications, content services or latency-critical applications continue to stress networks to their limits, possibly requiring new control and routing paradigms. In response, many industry initiatives aimed at making networks more agile, more open and more cost-efficient are being launched, each focussing on different tools such as autonomic network management to overcome network complexity, network functions virtualisation to benefit from the economies of scale of the IT industry and to reduce time-to-market to deploy new network services, software-driven networking to make networks programmable, and exposure of APIs towards 3rd parties to promote comprehensive ecosystems.
Simultaneously, voice, video and real-time communications are undergoing a major transformation as a conjunction of new technologies and usage. Systems based on Web technologies are increasingly gaining momentum, as browsers become a universal code execution platform. In addition, machine-to-machine communications and Internet of Things present unique traffic patterns and pose new challenges to service providers, including for instance routing, QoS guarantee, seamless integration of diverse access technologies and low power design.
The following topics will be particularly investigated:
Conference Chair: Emmanuel Bertin (Orange, France)
Track A: Network IT-isation and 5G New paradigms for network architectures and operations
Cloud technologies and network functions virtualisation (NFV)
Software Defined Networking (SDN)
Policy-based and Intent-based networking
Cross-layer solutions in existing and future networks, e.g. SPUD
Flexible and autonomic network management, new operation models
Evolution of business models, business cases for NFV
Managing the transition from legacy to the fully virtualized networks; case study, test-beds, field trial experiences, implementation roadmaps
Track B: Big data insights for networking Mining cloud and network data, probes and storage
Data analytics algorithms and platforms
Predictive approaches for multimedia service delivery
Cross-layer topology awareness
Optimization of network services
Big data usage for third-parties
Security and privacy
Business models and regulation
Track C: Real-time communication platforms and services New paradigms for real-time communication and/or large-scale streaming
Media processing
Full stack approaches
New design and programming models, e.g. micro-services, containers
Innovative services and applications, impact on business models, enterprise market
User interface design innovations, human computer interface (HCI), usability
Track D: Internet of Things IoTPS (Internet of Things, People and Services)
Test-beds and business cases; field trial experiences in the domain of smart cities, building automation systems, e-Health, intelligent transport systems, energy management, personal medical monitoring, vehicular systems, residential appliances and systems, structural monitoring of infrastructure
Short paper sessions:
Special Session: Research agenda for 2020-2025 (short papers) Future challenges for Industry, future directions for Academia: What should be the main topics for research in the forthcoming years?
Impact of disrupting actors and technologies, e.g.
Future of mass market, e.g.
Future of enterprise market, e.g.
ICIN 2016 invites proposals for research prototypes and demonstrations on all the topics from tracks A, B, C and D. Prospective contributors are expected to write a short paper proposal, preferably including a system architecture illustration. |
ICIN 2016 solicits proposals for panels. These proposals should indicate a brief description of the topic and why it will be of interest to the audience. Panel topics should be related to the main themes of the conference and involve various perspectives and viewpoints. Proposals should include a suggestion for a panel moderator (if different from the submitter) and potential panellists. |
Paper Submission Instructions
Submissions should be original, previously unpublished work not currently under review by other conferences or publications. Papers submitted to ICIN are assessed on the basis of originality, significance, technical soundness, clarity of expression and interest to a wide audience. Commercial presentations will be automatically rejected.
Only PDF files will be accepted for the review process and all submissions must be done electronically through EDAS at http://edas.info/N20187. A short (50-word) abstract is requested on registration of the submission. All submissions must be written in English and must use standard IEEE two-column conference templates that can be downloaded from http://www.ieee.org/web/publications/pubservices/confpub/AuthorTools/conferenceTemplates.html.
Full Paper – maximum length of 8 pages (10-point font) including tables, figures and references.
Short Paper – maximum length of 3 pages (10-point font) including tables, figures and references.
General Instructions
Acceptance of papers can be conditional subject to revisions required as a result of reviewers' comments. Accepted authors will be invited to submit a final paper taking account of feedback provided. Session chairmen may recommend rejection of final papers that do not take account of reviewers' requirements and expectations in an acceptable manner. The TPC reserves the right to remove such papers from the programme.
Accepted papers should be presented at the conference by one of the authors. An author of an accepted paper is required to complete paid registration at full (member or non-member) rate for the conference prior to uploading the final IEEE formatted, publication-ready version of the paper. There is no refund for cancellation but substitutions may be made at any time prior to the event. Speakers must register for the conference at the full (member or non-member) rate even if they are a student. Each speaker can present only one paper in the programme.
Failure to complete paid speaker registration before the deadline will result in withdrawal of the paper from the conference programme and the proceedings. Any paper not presented at the conference will be excluded from the conference proceedings.
Papers accepted for the special session and demo track will be published as short papers in the proceedings.